Facts, and Conclusions
Although the content of First Principles ultimately leads to
politics, politics is not its focus. Nevertheless, politics, after
ideas are shaped and honed, is how things happen. As these are times where
important political decisions are being made they are times where opinion
and politics matter, thus this portion of our website is where politics
comes to the fore.
A fundamental change in world affairs took place on September 11,
2001, when America was attacked for the first time since World War II.
As a result, political and philosophical conundrums, often on the broadest
scale, are what we face. Can we protect our citizens while defeating
the enemies of free and open societies? The answer, of course, is yes;
however there are those whose means are destructive of the very system we
are trying to protect. Ultimately a balance must be struck--and
reaching that balance is where political discourse becomes most valuable.
To many, as the acts of 9/11 become blurred, and our successes,
because they are not total, nor final, in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other
Middle Eastern nations, are questioned as to their full meaning, Americans
can develop a myopic, even reactionary view of the world and our place in
it. A public not physically threatened is soon forgetful. But the dangers
are ever-present. No one can be sure if our security is keeping the
terrorists at bay, or if the bad guys are simply biding their time in an
attempt to match the effect of the September 11th attacks. No one can be
sure how much success our foreign efforts are harvesting, but it is surely
making a difference. Some say the only change is that angry Muslims are more
determined, while others contend that if you don't confront the evil it will
simply grow.
On the domestic side there are arguments to be made for stronger
government, which others simply call intrusive. There are fiscal matters to
be solved, security for our aging population, responsible health care
options, and the continual tug between tax burdens and economic opportunity
for the next generations.
In this space we intend to offer opinion pieces by those with
well-considered and well formed views, on any side of any issue. Party
affiliation is not important, nor is one's agenda. What is important is that
what is said does two things: first, takes all positions and arguments to
their fullest logical conclusions, and second, relates such positions and
results to first principles.
These pieces reflect the views of each author. The Commentary page is open
to anyone who wishes to submit an essay, however, determination regarding
publication will be solely controlled by the editors. Articles are cross
indexed by date of first publication, by author, and by title.
If you wish to submit an article please attach a short biography along
with the copy, preferably in a Word document, and include a telephone
number, e-mail and physical address. The phone number and addresses are for
internal use only and will not be published. All submissions must be made by
electronic transmission to editor.firstprinciples@gmail.com.